I really like the see-through window. Now I won't miss out on anything while cooking:-)
Steve, BA, Ian, and Hailey
Posted by Beth Ann Johns at 9:42 PM 6 comments
Just a couple videos for the grandparents . . . Ian loves saying his ABC's (with help, of course!). Unfortunately, the camera cut off at 'P' so we'll have to get the rest another time. Hailey just started enjoying her play gym, so here's a video of her smiling. Enjoy!
Ian saying his ABCs through the letter 'P'
Hailey enjoying some playtime (Sorry it's so dark but you get the idea.)
Posted by Beth Ann Johns at 9:09 PM 2 comments
Since it was snowing again and Hailey was awake, we decided to get her bundled up for her first snow picture. She couldn't miss out on the snow again today!
Posted by Beth Ann Johns at 2:49 PM 0 comments
We had an unusually beautiful snow here in South Carolina last night. This was Ian's first time to play in the snow. Although we didn't have appropriate snow gear, he still enjoyed his time and didn't seem to get too chilled. It was a great packing snow so he loved getting to throw snowballs with Uncle B and Daddy.
Posted by Beth Ann Johns at 4:01 PM 4 comments