We had a fun time today at Harmon's Pumpkin Patch. There was a lot to do besides picking out pumpkins as you'll see in the pictures below.

Ian was excited getting to pick out his own little pumpkin. He told us that he wants it to grow big to be 4 years old.

Hailey was just taking it all in.

Peeking through the Harmon bus.

Ian had to try out all the tractors.

He was so excited to see Thomas. He told us "Ian loves Thomas" and he proceeded to give him a hug.

A cool tire swing horse

Playing in the teepee

Enjoying the swing at the petting zoo

A really old fire engine

When Ian saw the deer he said "Bambi, it will be OK. You will be alright." He seemed to be very concerned about the health and safety of the petting zoo animals.

You could feed the goat by putting some food in the cup and using the pully to get it up the ramp to the goats.

Here is the goat waiting for Ian to get him his food. He doesn't look too happy, does he?

The goat house

Going on a hayride

Hailey - 11 months old
What a fun place to go with lots to do. Great pictures and we loved Ian's Bambi comment and finally Hailey's smile at the end.
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