Happy Birthday to Ian who turned 3 this week. We had a fun week of celebrating and doing special things with the highlight of his family birthday party today with everyone in Greenville. So much fun and so many memories!

Showing off his new firetruck umbrella from Honey and Pappy on a wonderful rainy day

His new mega blocks set from Mamaw in Maryland

He was so excited about getting his very own 'Step-in-time' hat.

Reading his new book, "My Little Red Toolbox."

Harold to go along with his Thomas trains

Monkey cupcakes

Getting excited about biting into the long awaited cupcake

Guitar practice with Uncle B

Hailey - 16 mo.

Tickle time with Daddy

Reading his new George book from Uncle D and Aunt Jenny

Cousin Adam trying on Ian's new hat

the cousins having some bonding time
Looks like Ian had the best possible birthday with all his aunts, uncles, and cousin. Great job on the monkey cupcakes. I guess the rainy day was just perfect for the new umbrella. Happy Birthday to the big three year old!
Yay! It looks like Ian had a great birthday, we enjoyed seeing the pictures. Something is on its way...soon:)
Love Tim, Heidi and Delaney
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