Thursday, June 28, 2007

Picture Perfect

We took Ian to get his picture made today at Portrait Innovations. They did a wonderful job. This is the one that we decided on - it was a hard choice!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

First Words

We have come to realize that Ian's favorite word is 'trash.' For a while now, we've been letting him throw his diapers away in the trashcan after we changed him and now it's become one of his favorite 'chores.' He can quickly spot a trashcan almost anywhere which has become very humorous. The other morning, he was walking through my parent's house going from room to room picking up the trashcans and carrying them down the hallway. It you listen carefully in the video, you can hear him saying his favorite word:-)

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Fun with Friends

While Steve has been gone to Northland, Ian and I have been in Greenville catching up with friends and family. It has been a lot of fun getting together with some of my close friends and their children.

Pool party at the Kendall house

A bad attempt at gathering the little ones for a group picture.

Avery Kendall - 14 months

Gloria Franseen - 11 months

Paton Kendall - 3 years old

Ian showing off his budda belly

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Busy Summer

I'm finally getting around the updating our blog. The past several weeks have been very busy for us. We had our Vacation Bible School last week at church. It was a military theme this year and Steve was in charge of everything. The week went really well and we saw 14 teens/children pray to receive Christ as Savior. That was thrilling! We had a program for their parents on Friday night and one of the families that had never been to our church before came back to visit on Sunday morning. It was a great week and it was wonderful to see the Lord work! (pictures to come at a later time:-)

This week we are at the WILDS with our teens and junior age kids. Will Galkin and Bob Roberts are the speakers for the week. It's been good to connect with friends that are up there serving this summer as well as to get to spend more time with our teens and children. Hopefully I'll get to capture a picture of Steve riding the Giant Swing. He told the teens that he'd ride it for them this week. (pictures to come later, as well.)

Next week, Steve is headed up to Northland Camp to preach a week at Pioneer Village (the Junior camp). I'm going to be staying in Greenville with my parents for the week. Please pray for safety for Steve as he travels and also that the Lord will work in the hearts of the junior campers that are there and that they will see children saved.

Just a couple of pics below of Ian in the pool yesterday. He spent the day with his Grandmommy and she took him down to the neighbors pool. He loved it and the float that she bought him was perfect for his age.

Toddlin' Around

Ian is officially walking! He started taking several steps a couple of weeks ago and has now become very steady. For me, it's actually been quite a bit easier having him walk so I don't have to carry him around everywhere. It's been a lot of fun and he seems to be enjoying life more as well.

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