Wednesday, June 27, 2007

First Words

We have come to realize that Ian's favorite word is 'trash.' For a while now, we've been letting him throw his diapers away in the trashcan after we changed him and now it's become one of his favorite 'chores.' He can quickly spot a trashcan almost anywhere which has become very humorous. The other morning, he was walking through my parent's house going from room to room picking up the trashcans and carrying them down the hallway. It you listen carefully in the video, you can hear him saying his favorite word:-)

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thefedssc said...

What a smart grandson we have who is already doing chores at 15 mos. old. He takes after his grandmommy.

Anonymous said...

You two better have a discipling session with Ian about his "trash talk." I don't think I know of another child that said "trash" as his first word:)

Elizabeth said...

That is a hilarious clip! He is sooo cute!!!