Sunday, March 30, 2008

Behind Living Gallery

We had a great time getting to see Living Gallery at BJU this weekend. Ben had the opportunity of getting to be a model in the last painting of Christ at the Resurrection. We were able to go back stage to see him afterwards. Here's a picture of Steve and I with Ben all painted up (he was Christ in the painting). When Ian sees this picture he always says "Jonah." I guess they did a good job of making him look like a Bible character:-)

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ian!

It's hard to believe that Ian is 2 years old already. He is such a fun little boy and we are so grateful for the Lord's blessing to us through giving him to our family. We had a wonderful time celebrating his birthday with family this year. He loved every part of it, especially blowing out the candles which he requested to do several times. Here are some pictures of his week of parties.

We had a sports theme party at Honey and Pappy's house.

Ian helped me make cupcakes for his party with Mama and Papa Johns.

Two years old

He loved his sunglasses that Mama and Papa got him so much that he decided to wear them while watching Lady and the Tramp.

Enjoying Ian's party with Daddy

Uncle Andy and Hailey

Ian's new car complete with a real Corvette symbol (compliments of Papa Johns)

Party #2 with Johns Family

His new chair from Honey and Pappy

Learning how to bat the ball from Uncle D

His 3rd party with Fetterolf family

Sunday, March 23, 2008

What does it take to get a kid to smile? If you're wondering, just watch this . . .

Steve had to resort to making these weird noises to get a smile out of the kids this morning. I thought it was so funny so I just had to capture the moment.

Easter Sunday

Ian showing off his Easter 'loot'
Hailey is thrilled about her pink Easter ducky

All ready for church in their Easter outfits

Hailey's first Easter

Easter egg hunt

He found them all!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Growing up fast

The kids are growing up so fast. Ian slept in his 'big boy bed' for the first time 2 days ago and, amazingly enough, only got out of bed once and slept for 2 hours. Hailey has taken to her fingers and doesn't really want her pacifier anymore . . .it looks cute now but I hope it doesn't give her weird looking teeth (like some say happens). We also moved into our new house this past Saturday and are enjoying owning our first home and getting it all set up. We will post pictures of that at another time once we get everything arranged and hung on the walls.

3 months old

23 months old

First nap in his car bed

Hailey enjoying her 2 fingers (these are the ones that she likes the best)

Getting a little chunky

The first chubby ballerina that I've ever seen!