Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Growing up fast

The kids are growing up so fast. Ian slept in his 'big boy bed' for the first time 2 days ago and, amazingly enough, only got out of bed once and slept for 2 hours. Hailey has taken to her fingers and doesn't really want her pacifier anymore . . .it looks cute now but I hope it doesn't give her weird looking teeth (like some say happens). We also moved into our new house this past Saturday and are enjoying owning our first home and getting it all set up. We will post pictures of that at another time once we get everything arranged and hung on the walls.

3 months old

23 months old

First nap in his car bed

Hailey enjoying her 2 fingers (these are the ones that she likes the best)

Getting a little chunky

The first chubby ballerina that I've ever seen!


Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

What!? You don't have everything up on your walls yet?! =)

I'm so happy for you guys... love ya!