Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My husband's a sheriff's chaplain!

The Lord has opened up the door for Steve to serve as a sheriff's chaplain for Richland County here in Columbia. Today he was sworn in at the sheriff's office and received his badge. He will be serving in region 4 of Richland County. This means he will be doing ride alongs, be available for counseling of officers and their families, some victim support, as well as being on-call for the county a week at a time every two months or so. We are really excited about the ministry opportunities that this will afford with the officers.

Sheriff Lott swearing in Steve and Paul as chaplains

A family photo with Sheriff Lott


Liesl said...

very cool. lukus is looking into the air force reserve chaplaincy.
also so neat about your baby girl coming! great name, too.

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Congratulations! What a great opportunity!

Tfipps said...

Wow! That is such a great opportunity! I am so excited for you that you are having a girl! Can't wait to see what she will look like!

Unknown said...

Great! I know that the Lord will use him greatly in this ministry. Steve is a good counselor.
We're so excited about Hailey. Gloria will enjoy playing with her someday:-).